Integration with third party or bespoke tools to provide an explicit opt in to non essential cookies and tracking technologies. 

Google Analytics, Tracking & Consent

Changes to legislation now require an explicit opt-in for non-essential cookies and other tracking technologies. There are additional requirements around data collection and storage in other regions such as the EU. This is a fast-moving area subject to further change.

Within the UK, it's important that site owners facilitate an explicit consent mechanism for non-essential cookies and other tracking and marketing technologies. 

Cookie-less approaches that use device fingerprinting techniques - e.g. that look at a range of factors such as browser type, version etc to identify a device - are also covered. 

GA4 goes some way to address concerns - for example it offers default IP anonymization, shorter data storage duration, changes to the location of servers and restricted data transfers, consent mode, user data deletion tools and new rules regarding PII.

How we can help?

Whilst we are not in a position to offer legal advice we can update you on recent developments, advise on technical approaches and help implement solutions. 

Further change is likely ahead with the ongoing development of the UK GDPR regulations.

If you are looking to implement a cookie management solution, we’ve worked with a range of tools that integrate with Google Tag Manager.

These include:

  • OneTrust

  • Cookiebot

  • CookiePro

  • Civic Cookie Control

  • Magento plugins

  • Drupal plugins

  • Bespoke solutions

Looking for a Google Analytics agency or want to discuss a project? Give us a call on +44 207 788 7798 or email us at

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